Policy1-Cervix (CCNSW)

Cervical Cancer Model, Cancer Council NSW

Basic Model Attributes
Cancer siteCervical
Host institution Cancer Council, NSW
Purpose The model platform known as ‘Policy1-Cervix’ was developed to address several questions related to cervical cancer, including the impact of cervical screening and vaccination on incidence and mortality, the predicted impact on resource utilisation (such as impact on colposcopy referrals, treatment procedures) and the cost-effectiveness of these interventions across a range of settings. The model has been used for a number of HPV vaccine evaluations, including effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination in both girls and boys, taking into account catch-up vaccination, as well as the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the next generation nonavalent vaccine. The model has also been used to perform screening technology, screening interval and screening management evaluations performed on behalf of national cervical screening programs in Australia, New Zealand and England. These evaluations included assessing the impact of test-of-cure management in women after treatment for CIN2/3, comparing the use of different triage management pathways, and primary HPV screening evaluations. It has also been used to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening and vaccination in both rural and urban China, as well as the potential impact of screening and HPV vaccination on a global scale.
Contact Karen Canfell (karen.canfell@nswcc.org.au)