BCOS (Stanford)

Breast Cancer Outcomes Simulator

Basic Model Attributes
Cancer siteBreast
Host institution Stanford University
Purpose The Breast Cancer Outcomes Simulator (BCOS) was developed for four primary purposes. First, BCOS generates a virtual tumor registry of breast cancer patients diagnosed in the United States since 1975 and, at the individual level, specifies the patient's screening history, mode of detection, adjuvant treatment and survival; second, BCOS quantifies the impact of screening mammography and adjuvant therapy on breast cancer mortality trends from 1975 by molecular subtype; third, BCOS predicts what the incidence and mortality trends would have been had alternative age groups been targeted for screening, had there been changes to the interval between screening examinations, and/or had there been changes to the subgroups targeted for adjuvant therapy; fourth, BCOS predicts how future trends in breast cancer mortality may be affected by new screening and treatment interventions shown to be beneficial at the clinical trial level.
Contact Sylvia Plevritis (sylvia.plevritis@stanford.edu)