Attribute Category | Attribute |
Approach | |
Primary Purpose | Screening evaluation,
Epidemiological analysis,
Policy evaluation,
Population trends,
Features | |
Intervention | Prevention,
Natural History | Metastases (When a cancer is not detected in an early stage, it will progress to more advanced stages, including metastases. We incorporated poorer survival for later stages of disease detection.),
Tumor Growth (We include different stages of cancer in our model with different survival probabilities),
Dysplasia (CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3 that can either progress or regress.),
Virus (In STDSIM, we model explicitly HPV-16, HPV-18, natural immunity by type, transmission probability per sexual act by type. STDSIM is linked to MISCAN, in which we model HPV-16, HPV-18 and pooled other hr-HPV.),
Construction | |
Approach | Micro Simulation,
Dynamic Transmission (Our model of HPV transmission and vaccination is a dynamic microsimulation model. The transmission probability is modeled per sexual contact.),
Methods | Longitudinal,
Likelihood optimization,
Stochastic process (The model is stochastic but probability distributions do not change over time.),
State Transition,
Time to Event,
Unit of Analysis | Tumor,
Data Source | PALEBA,
Census | |
Cancer Registry | NCR,
Linked | |
Clinical Trial | POBASCAM,
Survey | Other (Sexual Health Surveys (Netherlands)),
Meta Analysis | Observational Studies,
Assumptions | |
Benefit Factors | |
Screening | Stage Shift,
Temporal Trends (Age),
Cure Rate (Within stage shift),
Modality (While HPV-test detects HPV-infections, cytology detects cytological abnormalities. Screen-detected cancers have higher survival probabilities than cancers that are diagnosed because of symptoms.),
Treatment | Temporal Trends (Higher survival probability in younger women),
Vaccination | Prevention,
Inputs | Disease (We calibrate age-specific probabilities of acquiring a progressive or regressive infection.),
Other Conditions (Hysterectomies),
Screening | Attendance,
Test Performance,
Effect (Improvement of prognosis),
Risk Adaptive Factors,
Incidental Finding Surveillance (Women with BMD test results are offered triage tests after e.g. 6 and 18 months (routine surveillance)),
Diagnosis | |
Precancer | Attendance,
Test Performance,
Treatment | Effect (Based on observed survival rates),
Precancer | |
Survival | Relative,
Mortality | Other cause,
Tumor Attributes (Treatability depends on cancer stage),
Risk Factor | Age,
Personal History (Natural immunity after HPV-infection and sexual behavior influence the probability of acquiring an infection. Screening history influences the risk of developing cervical cancer.),
Sexual behavior,
Natural History,
Vaccination | Quadrivalent (We can include this vaccine as well, but have been working with the bivalent vaccine so far. We do not have HPV-6 and -11 in the model.),
Bivalent (We can include this vaccine as well, but have been working with the bivalent vaccine so far.),
Outputs | Cost,
Disease | Stage Distribution,
Grade Distribution,
HPV Infection,
Prevalence | Disease (We can perform runs in which all prevalent lesions / cancers are detected.),
Other Conditions (HPV infection),
Treatment | |
Precancer | |
Screening | Effect,
Tumor Attributes (Stage distribution of cancers),
Risk Factor | Demography,
Outcomes | Life years,
Cause-specific Mortality,
All-cause Mortality,
Temporal trends,
Vaccination effect (All these parameters are input, but in the output we can see the coverage in the population (by year and age group) as well.),
Screening | False Positives,
True Positives,
False Negatives,
True Negatives,
Biopsies performed (Same as number of colposcopies performed),
Unnecessary biopsies (Same as number of false-positive colposcopies),
History (Number of screening tests, triage tests and referrals; CIN detection),
Treatment | History,
Overtreatment (Regressive CIN lesions),
Implementation | |
Development | |
Tested Platforms | Windows,
Language | Delphi,